Modify Headers

HTTP Headers consist of key-value pairs that provide extra information in an HTTP request or response. Developers often aim to easily adjust these headers for the traffic handled by their browsers.

Modify header

Source Condition: The Source condition is where you define the rules for determining which requests will match the specified conditions. You can use Contains, Wildcard or Equals to match the request URL.

More about source conditions here

Operator Type: This is the section where need to select modification type. You can choose to Add, Remove or Append.

Request/Response Modification: Here need to select Request or Response to modify headers.

Request/Response Key: This field for header key of Request or Response.

Request/Response Value: This field for header value of Request or Response.

It is possible to add a HTTP Header multiple times. The rule will work if one of them matches the source URL. In each HTTP Header, there is an option to enable or disable it.


Remove Content-Security-Policy Header
Bypass CORS


Modify Request Header